February 4, 2025

Rosemarie Preece

Safe Financing

How Long-Term Thinking Can Turn You Into A Better Person


Long-term thinking is a mindset, and it’s one that has helped me in everything from business to my personal life. I think long term because it helps me make better decisions, see the world differently, and keep myself from getting caught up in day-to-day hustle. If you want to become a better person—whether an entrepreneur or employee—I think this approach will help as well!

Long-term thinking is a mindset.

Long-term thinking is a mindset. It’s not just a strategy, it’s not an excuse to avoid making decisions, and it’s certainly not a way of being that only works for some people in certain situations. If you want to become more long-term oriented–and thus more likely to make better decisions and treat others with compassion–you need first and foremost learn how your brain works: how it perceives time, how it makes decisions (or doesn’t), what motivates us as individuals and as groups and societies.

This kind of knowledge isn’t easy; there are no shortcuts or quick fixes here! But once we know ourselves better as human beings living within this particular system called “the world” (which itself has been shaped over centuries by countless other people), then we can start making smarter choices about what matters most in our lives: ourselves; our relationships with others; our communities; our planet itself…

Long-term thinking can help you make better decisions.

Long-term thinking is a great way to help you avoid shortsighted, self-centered behaviors and make better decisions. It’s also a skill that can be learned and honed over time.

Let’s start by looking at the difference between short-term and long-term thinking:

  • Short-term (or present) thinking focuses on yourself, your needs, and your wants today or this week–or even just in the next few minutes.
  • Long-term (or future) thinking looks beyond today or tomorrow by considering how our actions today impact our future lives and those around us.

Long-term thinking can help you see the world differently.

Long-term thinking is a way of seeing the world differently. It can help you see the big picture, and it can help you understand what’s really going on in your life.

Long-term thinking helps us to see things as they are, rather than how we want them to be or how others want us to see them. It allows us to take control over our lives and make decisions based on facts instead of emotions or assumptions about what other people might think about our choices–and this leads us down a path towards greater self-awareness and happiness.

Long-term thinking can prevent you from getting caught up in the day-to-day hustle.

Long-term thinking can prevent you from getting caught up in the day-to-day hustle.

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of life, but long-term thinking can help you see the world differently and make better decisions. Long-term thinking is a mindset, which means that it’s not something anyone can just learn overnight–it takes practice! Here are some tips for developing this skill:

  • Take time every day for meditation or mindfulness exercises (such as yoga). This will help calm your mind so that you can think more clearly about where your life is going and whether or not it meets your needs as an individual.
  • Think about what matters most to you at this point in time–and then ask yourself how much time each day does this take up? Are there other things competing for attention? How much free time do I really have?

Long-term thinking helps you avoid shortsighted, self-centered behaviors.

Long-term thinking helps you avoid shortsighted, self-centered behaviors.

In our society, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and make decisions based on what feels good at that very moment. However, if you take a step back and look at things from an outside perspective–your own future self included–you’ll often realize that your actions could have negative consequences for other people down the line. For example: If you eat too much junk food now because it tastes good and makes you happy right now (and who doesn’t love that feeling?), then later down the line when your health deteriorates as a result of poor diet choices, there may be fewer resources available for those close to you who need help caring for themselves or their families.*

A long-term view of business and life can be incredibly beneficial for both entrepreneurs and employees alike.

Long-term thinking is a mindset, not a magic pill. It’s not going to change your life overnight, but it can help you make better decisions and see the world differently.

When I talk about long-term thinking, I’m referring specifically to how we think about our businesses and careers. A lot of people get caught up in day-to-day hustle–they’re constantly checking their email and jumping from task to task without ever taking time out for reflection. For many entrepreneurs and employees alike, this kind of short-sightedness can prevent them from seeing where their business might go or whether they’re truly happy working at a particular company for years on end.


We understand that this idea may be a bit strange at first, but we encourage you to give it a try! The benefits of long-term thinking are real and can help you make better decisions in both business and life. If you’re an entrepreneur looking for ways to improve your company’s future, then we recommend starting with one simple step: take some time every week (or even day) to think about what year would look like if today was 2038 instead of 2018–what would be different?